Republican Unitary Enterprise

Belarusian nuclear
power plant


Administrative and laboratory building (00UYA)

Vornyany village council, 2/7

Ostrovets district, Grodno region, Republic of Belarus 231220


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Friday, 25 October 2024

Belarusian NPP summed up the results of the scheduled preventive maintenance of power unit No. 2

Written by Department of information and public relations

The final meeting on the results of the completion of the first scheduled preventive maintenance at power unit No. 2 was attended by the First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of the NPP A.M. Bondar, Deputy Chief Engineer for NPP Repairs (General Repair Manager) S.N. Bylchinsky, representatives of the divisions of Belarusian NPP, representatives of the State Production Association “Belenergo”, representatives of the contractors that took part in the repair campaign: OJSC “Belenergoremnaladka”, JSC “Rosatom Service”, OJSC “Belenergozashchita”, OJSC “Belelektromontazhnaladka”, OJSC “Energotekhprom”, and JSC “Atomstroyexport”.

In his opening remarks, Anatoly Bondar noted that the first scheduled preventive maintenance of power unit No. 2 was completed successfully. All work was completed in full, and the necessary equipment was delivered to the site on time. "The result is truly worthy!" emphasized the First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of the NPP.

During the execution of the planned preventive maintenance, about 700 people of the repair personnel of Belarusian NPP units and 656 employees of the contractor organizations were involved. The work was carried out around the clock.

During the repair, 1,532 operations of the approved calendar-network schedule of repairs were performed. Technical maintenance and repair of about 12,500 units of equipment were performed in full. About 25 percent of the spent nuclear fuel was replaced with fresh one. Operational inspection of the metal of the NPP equipment and pipelines was carried out. Including 100% inspection of the metal of the reactor plant equipment. The total number of items of inspection amounted to more than 20 thousand units, including radiographic inspection of the metal of 748 welded joints of pipelines.

The technical condition of the equipment after repair meets the established technical requirements.

The quality of equipment repair work is good.

During the meeting, representatives of the labor protection department, the technical inspection department, the radiation safety department, and the radioactive waste handling department made brief reports on the state of labor protection, industrial, fire, and radiation safety.

In the final part of the meeting, for the high-quality performance of work, high professionalism in compliance with the principles of safety standards during the first planned preventive maintenance of power unit No. 2 of Belarusian NPP, the following teams of contracting organizations were awarded with gratitude from the First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of the NPP: OJSC “Belenergoremnaladka”, JSC “Rosatom Service”, OJSC “Belenergozashchita”, OJSC “Belelektromontazhnaladka”, OJSC “Energotekhprom”, and JSC “Atomstroyexport”.

Last modified on Friday, 25 October 2024
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