The corresponding decision is contained in Government Decree No. 158 dated March 7, 2024.
The commission included representatives of the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the National Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, the Ministry of Health, “BelRAO”, “Belnipienergoprom”, “Belniipgradostroitelstvo” enterprises and others.
The main tasks of the commission are the study of materials prepared based on the results of scientific and survey activity on the selection of alternative sites for locating a disposal site; consideration of proposals for the location of the point and selection of a priority site for its construction; submitting proposals to the Government for making a decision on the location of a disposal site, taking into account the selection of a priority site.
The State Commission was instructed to submit these proposals to the Council of Ministers within 10 working days after completing the preparation of proposals on the selection of a priority site for the construction of a radioactive waste disposal facility.