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Friday, 29 June 2018

Reading in the latest issue of the Energy Strategy journal

Written by Department of information and public relations

News. The main topics of the news block are the integration of energy specialists within the framework of the EAEC and the CIS, the development of international cooperation in the energy sector, as well as the results of the activities of electric power and peat industries in the first quarter of this year.

The international block is represented by the forecasts of international energy agencies on the main trends in the development of world energy until 2040, the state of the LNG market, the expansion of the global natural gas transportation infrastructure and a number of other materials.

Power engineering. The central topic of the column was informatization in the field of energy, in particular aspects of ensuring information security in electric power facilities and a discussion article on the problems of informatization in the electric power industry of Belarus.

State Energy Supervision. The materials published in the block will be useful both for specialists in energy supervision and for energy services of organizations and enterprises. This refers to approaches to monitoring the restoration of damaged cable lines 6-10 kV consumers and providing heat supply to the I category consumers for reliability in the social sphere.

The notebook of the chief power engineer. In the materials of the column, energy supervision specialists remind consumers of the requirements of the TNPA to protect the pipelines of thermal networks from corrosion, the ways of setting up water heating networks, consider the choice of electric boilers, and recommend samples of registration books compulsory for electricity users of electric power, the forms of which are not clearly established by the requirements of the TNPA.

Gas supply. The scientific and practical article published in the column considers the actual problem of unbalance of natural gas in the system "Gas supply organization - consumers". The material analyzes the ways of solving the problem and suggests an algorithm for distributing this unbalance.

Specialists will be interested in articles on the contradictions in the requirements of the TNPA ("Discussing the problem" column) and approaches to calculating the technological consumption (losses) of electricity in the electrical networks of Belarusian energy system (“Science to Energy”).

"Standardization in Energy" column is presented in the comments to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 135 "On Mandatory Legal Expertise of Technical Normative Legal Acts", the book "Recommended Forms and Content of Documents for the Organization and Provision of Fire Safety" and methodological manuals on fire safety. An overview of new legislative acts for May-June ("Law" column) will make an idea of the changes in the legal field in the sphere of Belarusian energy.

More information on the contents of the Energy Strategy journal can be found here.

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